Thursday, December 13, 2007

12# & 13#: Webapplications and Technology


'kay... So doctor, lets talk about my problems with ZOHO. Even before I tried to log on this seemed a great idea... particularly as the costs of licenses are one of the reasons SLV does not provide a word processing service for users... and the number of users who need it. So I approached this with some enthusiasm but this rapidly turned to despair as my computer would not let me do anything with ZOHO writer. All I got was a NotePad type thing which I was unable to save! Thinking that this was my a manifestation of my naturally technical incapacity I checked the FAQ. I checked in Explorer and Mozilla... neither worked. I checked the FAQ to see which Browsers ZOHO requires... I fiddled with my Security Setting to make sure they allowed javascript... Still no luck. I asked a colleague to try it on their computer... Same result, a dud text pad. In frustration I read through a few of my colleagues blogs and found that one or two other had had problems.... but that I'd already tried the suggested solutions. Gave up in frustration... even tried my home PC.

Three weeks later (after an Explorer upgrade?) I log on again today and, stunned amazement, ZOHO works for me.

As a digital immigrant, and natural Luddite, this is what is so frustrating about technology. While the interfaces may be perfectly simple to navigate, and the processing seems robust, its these fiddly little things that are never properly explained... these little glitches and gremlins that run around behind the scenes where I can't see them. I suppose I really should educate myself a bit more about what goes on in the little black box.... but really life it too short. It doesn't tale a genius to use a can opener.

WOW... that 312 words.

End homework

Incidently, ZOHO is great once you can get it to work... though I can work out how to get it to post to my blog (hence the primitive cut and paste).

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